
Remnants of Sorrow

An Eerie Narrative of Grief and Never-Ending Agony

Dr. Jason Benskin
The Cursed Manuscript


The dense aroma of smoke and the far-off wail of sirens hung heavily in the night. Ethan found himself standing amid the remains of his former home, destroyed by flames that shattered his young heart to pieces. The fire had consumed all he held dear — family members included — leaving him completely alone with only traumatizing echoes from their screams ringing through his mind.

Ethan was received by a remote family member, yet the old and neglected abode offered no refuge as it groaned with silent steps and concealed mysteries. The nights were unbearable, with sinister shades that frolicked on the walls accompanied by mournful wind wails. Yet above all else, Ethan found himself shuddering at whispers emanating from shadowy recesses of the dwelling calling his name in tones chilling to his very core.

On a momentous night, when the moon concealed itself behind ominous clouds, Ethan was roused from his slumber by a faint murmur that slipped through the crevices of his bedroom door. The temperature dropped as he trailed after the eerie voice along the poorly illuminated corridor, with each stride reverberating like a drumbeat in the hush of darkness.

The hushed murmurs guided him towards the attic, a location he had habitually shunned, where an obscured entryway lurked behind a weighty and grimy portal. With quivering fingers, Ethan cautiously pried it apart to reveal stale oxygen and distant traces of smoldering beams that filled his nostrils. The meager illumination seeped in through a fractured pane creating distorted silhouettes seemingly beckoning for his attention.

An old, weathered dollhouse stood at the attic’s center with its miniature windows resembling vacant eyes staring back at him. It replicated his previous home before it was destroyed by flames. Ethan advanced towards it as murmurs heightened and wove a story of treachery and catastrophe that echoed through the hollows of his being.

All of a sudden, the dollhouse sprang to life with an eerie illumination that threw into sharp relief scenes of felicity and merrymaking suspended in time. As Ethan observed his kinfolk going about their business inside those tiny chambers, his heart beat uncontrollably while they contorted their features in terror owing to invisible tongues of fire licking away at the walls encircling them.

Ethan desperately wanted to flee from the disturbing visions, but instead he stumbled backwards and was forced into a recurring nightmare. The dollhouse in the attic tormented him by revealing different forms of horror each time he confronted it, replaying images of his loved ones lost in an inferno with merciless cruelty.

As he made recurrent visits, the murmurs amplified into a chorus of torment and hopelessness that menaced to shatter his mental stability. The shadows frolicked about him, their cold touch grazing his flesh as though attempting to drag him towards an abyss of ceaseless obscurity.

Ethan’s bright eyes, which were once full of life and enthusiasm, darkened with fear as he experienced constant torment. His distant relative observed the transformation in him- his formerly sparkling innocence was replaced by a haunted expression. She attempted to assist him by removing the malevolent entity that inhabited their home but it had already taken control beyond repair.

Ethan disappeared mysteriously on a dark and tempestuous evening, leaving nothing but ash in his wake and the pained echoes of his screams. The attic was kept tightly locked up like an eerie burial ground where the tormented souls of fire victims lingered without rest.

Ethan’s tragic end left the house as a quiet bystander, serving as proof of the relentless grasp of sorrow and the terrors concealed in bygone eras. Even today, rumors persist in hushed tones, imparting an eerie warning about meddling with supernatural abilities beyond human comprehension.

