
The Sink

A Haunted House’s Dark Secret Unleashed

Dr. Jason Benskin
The Cursed Manuscript


For years, the empty dwelling on Maple Street, with its decaying walls and unkempt yard, stood as a stark reminder of its past obscurity. Rose and Mark, upon acquiring the property, perceived it as a prospect to craft a residence of their own. They entered the premises with enthusiasm, oblivious to the sinister entity hiding within.

During the initial weeks, there were no notable incidents that occurred. Their time was occupied with refurbishing during the day, while their evenings were filled with visions of the future they intended to create together. However, once they had settled into their new home, Rose started to observe an odd occurrence concerning the old kitchen sink. The basin was an ancient piece made of porcelain, displaying cracks and stains from years of neglect. Each time she twisted the faucet handle, it emitted a groan and a sputter before finally producing a flow of water.

While washing dishes one evening, Rose was startled by a soft voice she heard, causing her to stop what she was doing. Despite listening closely, all she could hear was the running water. Thinking it was just her mind playing tricks, she went back to washing the dishes.

In the days that followed, the murmurs became more insistent, almost inaudible, resembling distant whispers carried by the breeze. Rose tried to ignore them, but a strong feeling of discomfort engulfed her. When she mentioned it to Mark, he brushed it off as normal sounds from the aging plumbing.

One night, unable to sleep, Rose found herself drawn to the kitchen. The house was silent, except for the steady drip of the faucet. She approached the sink cautiously, her heartbeat echoing in her ears. As she reached to turn off the tap, the whispers grew louder, more distinct.

“Help us,” they murmured, a chorus of desperate voices. Rose stumbled back, her hand flying to her mouth. She ran to the bedroom, waking Mark in a panic. He followed her to the kitchen, but when they returned, the whispers had stopped.

Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Rose did some research. She discovered that the house had a dark history. Decades ago, a family had disappeared without a trace, and the house had been abandoned ever since. Tales of haunting and peculiar events had scared off potential buyers.

Rose became obsessed with the sink. She spent hours listening to the whispers, trying to make out the words. She could feel the presence growing stronger, the air around the sink growing colder. Mark grew worried about her, but she couldn’t let it go. She needed to know what had happened to the family.

One stormy night, the whispers reached a fever pitch. The wind howled outside, rattling the windows. Rose stood by the sink, her hands trembling. The voices were clearer than ever, filled with pain and fear.

“Find the key,” they urged. “Set us free.”

Rose frantically searched the kitchen, her eyes scanning every corner. She tore through drawers and cabinets until her fingers brushed against something cold and metallic. She pulled out an old, rusty key, its surface covered in grime.

As she held the key, the whispers intensified. She felt a sudden, overwhelming compulsion to go to the basement. Mark, hearing the commotion, followed her down the creaking stairs.

The basement was dark and damp, the air thick with the scent of mildew. In the center of the room, an old wooden chest sat half-buried in dust. Rose inserted the key into the lock, her hands shaking. The chest creaked open, revealing a bundle of old, yellowed papers.

As she unfolded the papers, a chilling realization washed over her. They were letters from the missing family, detailing their torment at the hands of a malevolent spirit. The spirit had trapped them in the house, feeding off their fear and despair.

Suddenly, the basement door slammed shut, plunging them into darkness. The whispers turned into anguished wails, filling the air with terror. Rose and Mark clung to each other, the cold seeping into their bones.

In the flickering light of a dying flashlight, they saw it — a shadowy figure emerging from the darkness, its eyes glowing with malevolence. The spirit had been awakened, and it was hungry for more souls.

With the key tightly gripped in her hand, Rose found herself at a critical juncture. Raising both the letters and the key, she began to recite the incantation she had discovered in the last letter. A piercing scream filled the room as the spirit contorted and writhed in agony. The atmosphere crackled with an intense energy as the spirit was inexorably drawn back, sucked into the very sink from which it had once divulged its malevolent secrets.

The house fell silent, the oppressive weight lifting. Rose and Mark emerged from the basement, their bodies trembling but alive. The whispers had ceased, the spirit banished.

They left the house on Maple Street the next day, never to return. The whispers of the sink remained a haunting memory, a reminder of the darkness that lurks just beneath the surface, waiting for the unwary to listen.

