Archive of stories published by The Cushion Journal

Slack as a Notification Center

Slack is commonly used as a chat tool for teams, but for the past year and a half, I’ve used Slack as a notification center for Cushion. Until recently, I’ve been a one-person team, so people were always surprised when they learned that I had a Slack for Cushion. When you…

How to embed Vue.js & Vuex inside an AngularJS app… wait what?

Since launching Cushion a couple years ago, we’ve been using AngularJS (1.x) as our front-end framework. If you’re curious how we ended up with Angular, I wrote about the decision (keep in mind this was 2014). I came from…

Document Your Features

Recently, I discovered that a specific feature in Cushion was causing confusion for almost everyone who used it. This feature was originally called “Blocks”, then “Project Blocks”, then “Time Blocks”, and now finally “Workloads”. Renaming the feature is another story, but I want to talk…

Less Blogging, More Journaling

Reading through this journal recently, I realized that it has slowly transitioned from daily thoughts into well-considered blog posts. I’m glad I’ve continued writing for this long, but I’m disappointed that I’m no longer jotting down the small thoughts that come up between…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Cushion Journal; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016, and 2017.

The Cushion Journal
Building an app from idea to launch
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