Taking a Real Break From Work

Jonnie Hallman
The Cushion Journal
2 min readFeb 24, 2016

Last night, I landed at Laguardia after a week-long vacation in Southern California. For my wife and I, this was our first real vacation for only the two of us. It was also a much needed break from work — for both of us.

Since we work out of the same co-working space and set our own schedules, we tend to enable each other’s workaholic lifestyle. And, because we’re always together at work, there’s less of a pull for either of us to get home at a normal hour. Over time, this takes its toll on us, as our deadlines result in a constant string of deadlines.

We’re well-aware that we work too much, which is why we decided to get away. We traded the depressing, below-freezing weather in Brooklyn for sun and a poolside seat. At first, I thought it would be difficult to disconnect from work. Cushion has constantly been on my mind for the past two years, so I could only assume it would remain there — even if I didn’t want it to.

As soon as we arrived, however, work disappeared from my thoughts completely. Maybe it was the sun or the private patio and outdoor fireplace (we splurged a bit), but my mind was finally able to relax. Instead of deciding where to take Cushion next and what was on my agenda for the upcoming week, I let go. For the first time in a long while, I just enjoyed sitting and taking in my surroundings.

Our week of rest went by with a blink, and we’re now back in Brooklyn. This time, however, we’re fully recharged and excited to return to work. Apparently, I needed this break more than I thought — and I learned a lot from this. Even if I feel like I can’t possibly take time off, a week away won’t hurt. In actuality, a week away will help repair the toll I’ve taken from not taking a break.

I can guarantee we won’t wait another 10 years to take a vacation. We’re actually thinking about where to go next already.

Originally published at cushionapp.com.



Jonnie Hallman
The Cushion Journal

A freelancer designer/dev building tools for freelancers. Working on http://cushionapp.com.