Want To Submit To Customer Service Zone?

Share your customer service related articles — advice, experiences and success stories. Here’s how to get published.

Robert Bacal
The Customer Service Zone


Photo by Luca Onniboni on Unsplash

Important: This page is under construction and subject to change.

I set up this publication on Medium to provide a space on the platform that is independent, and focused on all aspects of customer service. You can be a part of it and contribute as a writer (or if you are good, as an editor).

Articles We Would Like To See

Anything related to customer service is fair game. However, it should pertain directly to customer issues — for example, articles about customer experience and how to improve it are great. Dealing with difficult customers might be another. There should be some LEARNING points or TAKEAWAYS for the reader as part of each article.

We certainly want to hear from customer service experts, but it’s also ok to write “as a customer” provided there are LEARNING POINTS to be made.

Article Requirements

Include ONE (and only one) image to function as the header display image. No need to add images after that. Remember, ONE.



Robert Bacal
The Customer Service Zone

Author, Trainer, customer service, management, performance appraisal,leadership,difficult customers