My People, Your People: Because Every One is Worth It

The CX Experts
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2016


People, people everywhere…

This is the truth, people are everywhere, and strangely we take each other for granted. Yes, we need each other so why bother putting the time into building relationships, into building trust?

Answer? Because people are worth it.

You may think: people just let you down, they only disappoint you. But think of the last time someone did something nice, even if it was as simple as answer a question, or offer you a smile in the middle of the day.

Acts of human kindness are in more places than you realize. More than that, they show up in the strangest places, often where you least expect it. There’s this line from a game, so at the risk of sounding like a total gamer:

“Such manners! Always in the last place you expect…like socks!” — Flemeth, Dragon Age:Origins, Bioware.

The point my raising this little random anecdote is to point out that things aren’t always what they seem; if you feel like humanity has let you down — and believe me, most of us feel this way, at some point or another — then perhaps it’s time to look elsewhere, not away from humanity, but at a different set of people, because trust me, there are great people out there in the world, you just haven’t found them yet.

At the end of the day, no one person is alike to another, so writing humanity off altogether seems like a rather desperate thing to do.

People are everywhere, and I believe that they are all worth it. Every single one.

About the Author

Olwen van Dijk is a digital marketer and business development executive at AQ Services International

Follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn

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The CX Experts

Vee | aka Olwen van Dijk-Hildebrand 💜 Creative & Wordsmith 💜