10 Best Sentiment Analysis Tools In 2022

Ben Aston
The CX Lead
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2020
Graphics of Analysis Tools

This article will help you quickly compare and evaluate the best sentiment analysis tools and other tools that help you understand the sentiment behind customer interactions.

Quickly Compare & Evaluate The 10 Best Sentiment Analysis Software

With the growing capabilities of machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), dozens of sentiment analysis companies are popping up.

From more specialized Twitter sentiment analysis tools to full-blown sentiment analysis programs that are built on top of existing intelligence platforms, companies are racing to answer the ultimate question:

Who are my customers, and what are they really thinking?

If you’re asking the same question, these tools provide answers. Businesses can perform sentiment analysis to better understand customer sentiment or brand sentiment — how people are likely feeling when interacting with their brand.

I’ve highlighted some of the top players in the sentiment mining game, and I’ve also answered some common questions about sentiment analysis to get you started.

The Best Sentiment Analysis Tools List

A sentiment analysis example may be using a tool to search the web for mentions of your brand or monitoring voice calls for tone. Whatever you need, there is a tool for you. Here’s a shortlist of the best sentiment analysis tools:

  1. Qualaroo
  2. Lexalytics
  3. Brand24
  4. Sociality.io
  5. Listen360
  6. Diffbot
  7. NICE Interaction Analytics
  8. Podium
  9. Aylien
  10. AskNicely

Sentiment Analysis FAQ

Get started with sentimental analysis with answers to commonly asked questions:

What is sentiment analysis?

Sentiment analysis, sometimes called opinion mining, attempts to determine a fuller context of expression: the emotional tone, attitudes, and opinions. Common use cases for sentiment analysis include ecommerce, politics, and customer service.

What is sentiment?

In sentiment analysis, the sentiment is the emotional message within an expression — the emotions, opinions, and attitudes embedded in a person’s actions, writing, or speech.

What are the types of sentiment analysis tools?

Sentiment analysis tools are a type of software used in CX. Common types sentiment analyzers include:

  • Social media sentiment analysis tools, usually part of a social media monitoring software
  • Text analysis software
  • Voice sentiment analysis, such as tone analyzers

Are there any free sentiment analysis tools?

Free sentiment analysis tools may have limited features compared to their paid counterparts but they do exist. For example, MonkeyLearn, IBM Watson, MeaningCloud all have freemium versions of their plans.

Social Sentiment Tools Comparison Criteria

What are we looking for when we select any sentiment analysis API for review? Here’s a summary of the evaluation criteria:

  1. User Interface (UI): Is it clean and attractive?
  2. Usability: Is it easy to learn and master? Does the company offer good tech support, user support, tutorials, and training?
  3. Features & Functionality:
  • Web Crawling Capabilities — Does the tool have a way to scrape webpages, social media, and news sites for sentiment analysis online
  • Keyword Analysis — Can the software use text analytic software, including slang tools, in order to analyze sentiment across a wide variety of conversation types?
  • Social Media Analysis — Does the tool in question do Twitter and Facebook sentiment analysis, as well as other popular social platforms that your customers are most likely using?
  • Reporting and analytics — Are the reporting tools robust, customizable, flexible, and visually appealing?

4. Integrations: Is it easy to connect with other tools? Any pre-built integrations?

5. Value for $: How appropriate is the price for the features, capabilities, and use case? Is pricing clear, transparent, and flexible?

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Other Opinion Mining Tools

Here’s a few more that didn’t make the top sentiment analysis software list. If you need additional suggestions, check these out.

  1. CloudFactory — Focus attention to sentiment, semantic, syntax, and context analysis, and statement processing, prepping unstructured datasets for smarter NLP algorithms.
  2. Keatext — Keatext leverages customer feedback from multiple sources and consolidates insights to uncover new trends from customer reviews, surveys, and service tickets.
  3. Infongen — InfoNgen is a text analytics and sentiment analysis solution that automatically finds actionable insights hidden in mountains of data, like web and social media sources.
  4. IBM Watson — Operationalize AI in your business to better predict and shape future outcomes, automate complex processes, and optimize your employees’ time.
  5. Brandwatch — Track your brand health in real-time by monitoring changes in sentiment, understanding customer opinions, and tracking meaningful fluctuations.
  6. DiscoverText — A text, metadata, and social network analysis support solution with dozens of multilingual, text mining, data science, human annotation, and machine-learning features.
  7. Gavagai — AI-driven analysis for all online customer feedback data designed to find out what you should fix and what you should keep doing and can work in 46 languages.
  8. Vaspian — Use phone call speech analytics to record and analyze every customer call with built-in sentiment tools to tell you if a customer experience was positive or negative.

Keep reading to see The Overviews Of The Best Sentiment Analysis Tools.

Originally published at https://thecxlead.com on November 1, 2019.

