Why I Started this blog…

Parth Kalsi
The Cynical Indian
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2020

So I’ll get the big question out the way first ? What do I plan on achieveing with this blog ? I actually have quite a few reasons.

Photo by Braydon Anderson on Unsplash

I have always been fascinated by two things in life Technology and Politics. The word technology encompasses a rather broad spectrum of things so to pinpoint what I mean is consumer technology because it is what changes everyday life in a profound and unimaginable manner. And the second of my interests which is Politics now these two they can’t be seperated,in fact the former founds it’s way almost everywhere. Politicians are the modern day patrons of Innovation. Most of the major breakthroughs of the 20th century Internet,cellphones,automobiles have all been either sponsored or made to bloom by the government. The universality of politics is why it is so amusing.

There are two things in life which I don’t like and they are irrationality and uncertainity. What doesn’t make sense and what can’t be made sense of. So this blog represents my quest to irradicate these from my life. I’ve always liked to write and besides it is way better than talking with yourself which I have to admit is kinda weird. This will help me to extend my understanding of why things are the way they are ,which I eventually mean to use to better it or at the very least cope with navigating these unceratin waters.

