How’s the Economy Doing? (It’s not Good)

Rohan Upadhyay
The Cynical Report
8 min readOct 3, 2019


Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

This article is in my “Issues Breakdowns” section.


President Trump is criticized for MANY things, but the one area where he gets credit is with the economy, as unemployment is low and the GDP and stock market are growing.

Well I’ve got news for you — while those things are true, the economy is not doing well.

Sure, there are areas where the economy is booming, and for people who are doing well (which is admittedly a high number), I don’t blame them for thinking that the economy is fine. But there are millions of people who are being left behind by the system, and we have to turn our attention to them.

With economic issues, the devil is in the details — we have to look more closely at how the majority of the American people are doing to get a better sense of how the economy as a whole is doing.

Why Certain Metrics are Misleading

Before we can talk about the problems with America’s economy, we have to address some misleading arguments in the conversation. The metrics I mentioned before — the unemployment rate, the GDP, the stock market — are NOT holistic measures of the health of an economy. Let’s look at each:



Rohan Upadhyay
The Cynical Report

A daily dose of skepticism is wise. Editor of “The Cynical Report.” Contributor for “Dialogue and Discourse.”