The Weaknesses of Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders

Rohan Upadhyay
The Cynical Report
10 min readApr 19, 2020


This article is in my “Political Analysis” section.

On Super Tuesday, Bernie Sanders won 4 states to Joe Biden’s 10. On Super Tuesday 2, Sanders took just 1 state out of 6.

However, just because Biden destroyed Sanders does NOT mean that he’ll have an easy time against Donald Trump in the general election.

I’m going to break down a clip from the most recent debate between Sanders and Biden. In doing so, I’ll explain some of the reasons why Sanders lost, along with some of Biden’s potential weaknesses against Trump.

Keep in mind that I’m focusing on these candidates’ styles. While I will fact-check what they say about their policy positions and records, I will not give my own opinions on their policy positions.

A 10-minute exchange between Sanders and Biden

I’m going to break down this exchange moment-by-moment. For each bit, I’ll give my take on how it hurts (or helps) the person who’s talking.



Rohan Upadhyay
The Cynical Report

A daily dose of skepticism is wise. Editor of “The Cynical Report.” Contributor for “Dialogue and Discourse.”