What Other Countries’ Pandemic Responses Can Show Us (Re-Upload)

The US screwed up. Other countries didn’t.

Rohan Upadhyay
The Cynical Report
Published in
11 min readJun 20, 2020


This is Part 2 in a series of articles on the United States COVID-19 public health response. Click here to see the other parts.

This article can also be found in my “Policy Opinions” section.

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

It’s no secret that the US had a “less than stellar” response to COVID-19. The government dragged its feet in gathering supplies and enacting the necessary provisions. When the government did begin to act, the response was inefficient and disorganized.

However, other — more successful — countries offer valuable lessons on how to prevent a disease from spreading and how to avoid an economic shutdown.

So let’s see how it’s done.

Remember that just because these countries are doing well now, it’s still possible that they could see spikes in cases in the future if they become careless. But for now, these are success stories — namely, South Korea, Taiwan, and (to an extent) Japan.

South Korea — A Lesson in Efficiency

South Korea’s Statistics



Rohan Upadhyay
The Cynical Report

A daily dose of skepticism is wise. Editor of “The Cynical Report.” Contributor for “Dialogue and Discourse.”