Sleeper Platform Transition

Times are a changin.

Anton Sather
The D|League
3 min readMar 10, 2021


Hello friends. As you’ve seen, I’ve had the league transition to the Sleeper Platform/App. The main benefit of this is for myself as Commissioner but there are some nice features for you guys as well. I’ll detail some of those, as well as some drawbacks that we’ll have to deal with.


Trade Center

This function is currently only available on the app and not desktop browser, but this is probably my favorite thing about Sleeper, specifically the Trade Block, which also doubles just as a complete list of everyone’s roster side by side.

Here you can see everyone’s roster and plan out potential trades. If you click the box next to your own players, you place them on the block, which is then visible to other league members. You can also like other players, which will ping the league mate that you’ve expressed interest in the player.

Draft Picks

Draft picks will be fully tracked in Sleeper and you’ll be able to see your and other’s draft picks without looking at the Google Doc. Draft picks are also visible in the trade block mentioned above.

Two notes: One, currently the upcoming 2021 draft picks aren’t in Sleeper because of the way I had to set the league up, but when I move the league back into a pre-draft state they should be visible.

Two, I will still continue to separately track all trades and picks in the google sheet for continued archival purposes.

Practice/Taxi Squad

Sleeper has taxi squad functionality, so no more Google sheet tracking and checking in case a player is already on another team’s taxi squad. It is also already set up with the 2 year limit, so some of you might notice a warning that you have an ineligible taxi squad player, like myself with Jace Sternberger.


First Down Visibility

As you know, our league is built around first down scoring. While Sleeper scores it correctly and will display the stat breakdown on Sundays/gameday, there’s no visibility on first down stats on the player research pages. I’ve bugged Sleeper Support about it multiple times but who knows when they’ll actually get around to displaying that.

Defensive Scoring

Sleeper doesn’t have scoring for 3-And-Outs and 4th Down Stops. 3-And-Outs specifically I have grown fond of from Yahoo but at the end of the day, not a huge deal. I may continue to play around with the defensive scoring settings this offseason until I land on what I think makes the most sense and replicates the total defensive points we had on Yahoo.


Obviously, there is a significant UI change from Yahoo to Sleeper and there are definitely things that I miss and you will likely miss from Yahoo. There are also some odd differences between the desktop browser and app versions, such as the trade block.


If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading. Your reward is a notice that Roster Cuts are due by MARCH 11, THURSDAY, 9PM.

The number of players that the Sleeper App is telling you to cut is accurate. So don’t ask me how many to cut.

Thanks y’all!

