Frank Gore and Stefon Diggs swap teams

Anton Sather
The D|League
1 min readOct 25, 2016


Marlo makes a major win-now move, acquiring Frank Gore and sending Stefon Diggs to Tani. With two top-5 WR’s already in Julio Jones and T.Y. Hilton, Marlo has decided to cut bait on the promising young WR, preferring an immediate weekly starter in Gore to help him with his championship push. Tani, overflowing with RB wealth, trades the aging Gore for a dynamic young WR talent, who should also immediately start on Tani’s WR depleted team.

Will Marlo’s championship gamble pay off, or will he be kicking himself while Tani sings Digg’s praises for the next 7 years? Only time will tell. Full details below:

Harambes (Marlo) receives:

Frank Gore, RB — IND

Terrelle Me When 2 Go (Tani) receives:

Stefon Diggs, WR — MIN

