Week 14 Preview

Playoff Scenarios

Anton Sather
The D|League
4 min readDec 9, 2022


Hello gents…let’s see if I still remember how to do this whole article writing shit. First off, REMINDER about how the various playoff brackets and draft pick order shakes out for our league.

Championship Bracket: Your typical fantasy playoffs for the Top 6 teams. Top 2 seeds get a bye week, no playoff reseeding. Draft pick order is determined by final playoff results, with one exception being that the winner of 5th place gets the better pick (Pick 9).

Chumpion Bracket: Teams 7th-12th in the standings. Seeds 7 and 8 get a bye, no playoff reseeding. Key difference here is the losers in the first round (Week 15) fall into the Bunghole Bracket. Chumpion Winner wins Pick 15 in the upcoming draft.

Bunghole Bracket: Bracket plays out in Weeks 16–17 with Seeds 13, 14, and the two teams that lost in Week 15 of the Chumpion Bracket. Losers advance in this bracket, with the Week 17 loser earning the Bunghole crown. Draft pick order for the bottom 8 teams in Chumpion and Bunghole are determined at the end of Week 14.

With that out of the way, Week 14 is shaping up to be a wild one! Let’s take a look at the playoff race implications. I’ll be generally focused on what each team is looking to gain with a win since I’d have to go all Doctor Strange to figure out all of the various win/loss, points scenarios otherwise.

1. Anton (10–2)

Chilling this week with the №1 seed locked up and ready to spoil Mikey’s chance at playoffs or even a Chumpion Bye Week.

2. Chris (7–5)

Sitting in 2nd currently and controls his destiny. A win over Kevin locks up the 2nd seed thanks to a near 150 point tiebreaker advantage over JTong, the other 7–5 team.

3. JTong (7–5)

JTong is shooting for the 2nd Seed and a Week 14 bye week. To do so, he’ll need to beat Josh AND have Chris lose his matchup.

4. Lando (6–6)

Orlando has a shot at the 2nd Seed as well. If Chris and JTong both lose and Lando beats Tani, he should have the tiebreaker over Chris with a current 55 point advantage. Unfortunately for Lando, he looks to be without a QB this week after a ruthless FAAB bidding war. However, he’s is playing Tani so a victory is not only possible, but currently projected in Sleeper.

5. Kevin (6–6)

Kevin is just slightly behind Lando in the race for the 2nd seed but with a matchup against Chris, Kevin has a bit more control than Lando. If Kev can beat Chris and outscore Lando by 6.73 points, the 2nd seed will be his if JTong also loses his matchup.

6. Josh (6–6)

Josh is the last team with a shot at the 2nd seed but it’s unlikely to say the least. First, he’ll need to beat JTong and have Chris lose as well. Then, he’ll need to outscore Kevin by 58.23 points, since Kev will beaten Chris in this scenario. Lastly, he’ll either need Lando to lose, or outscore him by 64.95 points. On top of all that, he’s also out of a QB this week after the FAAB QB war.

7. Marlo (6–6)

Currently on the outside of the playoff picture, Marlo is looking to climb in. First, he needs to beat Kurtis. From there, he’s ideally looking for two 6–6 teams above him to lose thanks to a tight points race (3.28) between him and Zane right below him. If he can maintain that points lead, he only needs one team above him to lose. Zane losing would relieve some pressure as well obviously.

8. Zane (6–6)

As mentioned, Zane is nipping at Marlo’s heels in the playoff hunt and their situation is similar. First order of business is winning his matchup against JR. From there, he’d ideally like two 6–6 teams above him to lose, Marlo included. If he can outscore Marlo by 3.28 points, that’ll push him up and he’ll just need one team 4th-6th to lose.

9. Mikey, 10. Kurtis (both 6–6)

Last in the playoff hunt are Mikey and Kurtis. It’ll be a tall order for either of them without a realistic chance at any points tiebreakers. Both of them will first need to win their matchups, obviously. From there, they’ll need at least 3 teams in the 4th-8th range to lose. Kurtis needs to outscore Mikey by 6.39 points as well to increase his chances of squeezing in.

11. Tani, 12. JR, 13. Jeff (all 5–7)

Our 5–7 teams will be battling to stick in the Chumpion race and avoid the 13 seed and a guaranteed spot in the Bunghole bracket. The sweet spot here is the 12 seed, which would land that team a Top 3 Pick but also a chance at the Chumpion prize, however unlikely that might be.

14. Binh (3–9)

Binh will be chilling Sunday with his №1 Pick and Bunghole Bracket spot locked up at whatever event he’s at since he hasn’t spent a day relaxing at home in over a year.

