Being an Expectant Father During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trying to stay calm, baby due any moment now

R. Paulo Delgado
The Dad Vault


Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

Our baby will be born any day now. The official due date was March 12, although we’ve been anticipating labor for the last three weeks.

Germany’s COVID-19 cases spiked around February 27.

I have to go shopping today. I’ve been avoiding it for days, but there’s no denying the fridge needs to be filled. I personally haven’t had the flu in over twenty years, and have only had two colds in the last ten years, both during times when my body had been stretched to the limit. A few months ago, my wife and daughter were sniffling and sneezing and coughing for two weeks. There were snotty tissues all over the house. I caught none of this.

I’m not worried about myself, but I’m worried about my wife. I’m worried about our baby.

None of that means shit when you’re a dad. In my twenties, I might’ve had time for conspiracy theories. Now, I simply can’t risk having something potentially catastrophic for my family on my conscience.

New virus or not, any illness can be serious for a newborn, even the common cold. And then there’s the…



R. Paulo Delgado
The Dad Vault

✨ Book Marketing & Ghostwriting / Tech Writer / Coder / Bylines in Insider, Entrepreneur, nft now, Moneyweb, etc. 📰 /