
How to Cheat on Your Wife Without Sleeping with Another Woman

Frank William Brennan
The Dad Vault
2 min readAug 21, 2020


In 2015, a website that promoted extramarital affairs — Ashley Madison — was hacked. The hackers put the site’s users’ data online for friends, family, and strangers to uncover. The breach of trust destroyed marriages and broke one of the commandments: Thou shall not commit adultery, the physical act of cheating, which takes a lot to move forward with.

Not all Ashley Madison users slept with another person. Many men said they merely entertained the idea. But have you ever thought about the fact that there are several ways to cheat on your wife that don’t involve sex? Here are 3 ways you might be cheating on your wife without realizing it.

You cheat on her with your time.

“Never give the time that belongs to God or your wife away to others or other endeavors.”

Your time is a precious commodity. You only get 24 hours in a day, and your wife, friends, siblings, children, work, and hobbies all compete for them. Your prime time is reserved for God and your wife. Never give the time that belongs to God or your wife away to others or other endeavors. Adulterous thoughts come when you start feeling disconnected from these two VIPs. If you begin to feel this disconnection, immediately build in more prayer time…

