Quiet Mornings For Dad

Sometimes the best time of day for fathers is the morning

The Dad Vault
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2020


I love getting up early.

Even if I’m up in the middle of the night with my kids or stay up late watching Pride and Prejudice with my wife. There is something so wonderful about the morning.

It could be the smell of fresh brewed coffee. Or possibly the cool, crisp air when the PNW isn’t on fire. Maybe it’s because I am writing.

On second thought, I know exactly why I like my early mornings.

It’s typically only me awake.

The silence of our den is wonderful.

Sipping my coffee right after it is brewed without the sound of a crying or whining child is simply bliss.

Why is this though?

We All Need Quiet Time

No, it doesn’t have to be complicated. It only needs to be quiet. Sitting, standing, walking, or lying in the floor.

It only needs to be quiet.

Parents need this.

We need a moment to hear our own thoughts. It is a great time to pray, journal, read, or simply breathe.

This is the time we prepare for the day.



The Dad Vault

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