The Dad Hammer Times, 1/19/2021

Fatherhood Superpowers

The Dad Vault
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3 min readJan 19, 2021


Featured Story: 3 Incredible Superpowers Parenthood Bestowed Upon Me

By: Brad Creech

I don’t mean to brag, but I have superpowers. I didn’t always have them. Like most superheroes, there was a defining moment that brought them on. Superman got his, when he traveled to a planet with a yellow sun. The Hulk was exposed to gamma radiation. Captain America was injected with a serum. Batman…

Batman didn’t get superpowers. He just got angry. But he doesn’t like to talk about it.

Anyway, what was my defining, superpower endowing moment? Having children. I’m not kidding. It legitimately gave me powers. Let me tell you about a few of them.


Fatherhood Inspiration

Fathers: You NEED to be around other GOOD fathers.

Listen, I get how easy it can be to be around other dads who suck. You know the ones. They neglect their kids but work their butts off in the name of providing for their family, but ultimately, they aren’t connecting with their children.

These guys work hard sure, but they leave their wives and kids hanging out to dry. This…



The Dad Vault

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