Gems between an Indian mother and her Indian daughter

Shamin Chibba
The Untimely Ablutions
2 min readSep 6, 2018
(Image: Sailesh Gopalan)

When daughter was 15

Daughter: Did you just fart?

Mother: No, I think the dog growled.

Daughter: [Sniffs] It doesn’t smell like a growl.

When daughter was age 17

Mother: [While knitting] What do you plan on studying in college?

Daughter: I’m thinking of taking a gap year, get drunk every Friday and hang off boys’shoulders, maybe even increase my promiscuity level.

When daughter was age 20

Mother: [While baking] Why don’t you help your brother run the shop?

Daughter: I’d rather watch myself get a Colombian necktie in the mirror.

Mother: If I were you, I’d do anything to make money.

Daughter: Whoring is a viable trade but I don’t see you jumping at it.

When daughter was age 23

Mother: Oh no! Why did you choose to study fine arts? You could have chosen to be a doctor or an accountant.

Daughter: Because I would like to bring some beauty into this glum world.

Mother: I thought I was going to bring some beauty to this world, too. Then I had you and lost all hope.

When daughter was 29 years, 8 months and 11 days old

[They are both watching a soapie on TV]

Mother: Why can’t you find a nice boy?

Daughter: Because I’m not into men.

Mother: Oh please, that’s just a childish phase. Get over it already.

Daughter: So when are you going to get over your “phase” with Uncle Sanjay?

When daughter was 29 years, 8 months and 12 days old

Mother: I can get you married tomorrow. I just need to make one phone call and the man of your dreams will be at the door by tonight.

Daughter: I can get you shipped out to a retirement home tomorrow. Just one phone call and the man of my dreams will be able to cart you off in a wheelchair. You wouldn’t even need to walk.

When daughter was age 34

Mother: Are you even thinking of having children?

Daughter: I have never had the urge.

Mother: Why not? Children are a mother’s wealth.

Daughter: You haven’t sold me yet.

Mother: I couldn’t get a cent for you even if I discounted you at a charity store.

When daughter was age 37

Daughter: [Speaking to a baker] I would like to order one of those clichéd penis-shaped cakes.

Mother: What for, sweetie? I thought you weren’t into men.

Daughter: It’s not for me, it’s for dad’s, um, office party.

Mother: But dad is married to me. He isn’t into men.

Daughter: [Enter shit-eating grin].



Shamin Chibba
The Untimely Ablutions

Writing for a while and still eats beans on toast for breakfast. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa. For more information, check out