5 ChatGPT Prompts To Boost Your Income Easily

Snack Prompt
The Daily Bite
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2023

“Money can buy possessions, happiness, and freedom,” or so the saying goes. Many in business aim to increase their wealth, whether for the sake of money itself or as a byproduct of impactful work. Acknowledging the desire to boost your income is a practical step in your professional journey.

Martin Crowley, an entrepreneur with a seven-figure business, is on a mission to automate his operations and share his strategies with others. With a following of 300,000 subscribers on AI Tool Report and 80,000 Twitter followers, his methods are gaining attention. Crowley’s approach is unique: learn AI in just five minutes a day and use it to enhance your income.

Crowley has collaborated with ChatGPT to develop prompts designed to increase your earnings. These prompts incorporate nine essential elements of effective communication. Simply copy, paste, and edit the prompts in ChatGPT, ensuring to keep the same chat window open for contextual continuity.

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1. Identify Your Unique Skills

The quickest path to making more money is leveraging your existing skills. However, you might be unaware of these skills due to humility or shyness. ChatGPT can assist in identifying these hidden talents and planning their monetization. Crowley’s prompt encourages you to “identify your unique skills and find ways to monetize them,” offering new perspectives.

“As an insightful guide, I need your help to discover and monetize my unique skills. Could you create a list of 10 introspective questions that will uncover talents I might be overlooking due to humility or unawareness? These questions should be tailored to my context [insert any specific context about your background or current situation], encouraging deep reflection about marketable skills I possess. Think along the lines of skills that come naturally to me but might be challenging for others. The style of the questions should be engaging and thought-provoking, focusing on quickly monetizable skills. This exercise is aimed at me, someone eager to identify hidden talents that could lead to financial gain.”

2. Seek Multiple Income Streams

If your current efforts aren’t yielding results, consider diversifying your income sources. History’s successful entrepreneurs often had multiple revenue streams. This next prompt will guide you in exploring new wealth avenues, learning from past entrepreneurial successes.

“I’m exploring the idea of diversifying my income streams and would like guidance on the best approach. Could you provide a list of key lessons from successful entrepreneurs on creating multiple sources of income? These lessons should be practical and applicable to [insert any specific industries or areas of interest], helping me understand how to effectively balance and grow these ventures. The focus should be on actionable strategies and insights that have proven successful in various business contexts, enabling me to learn from their experiences and apply these principles to my own journey in establishing additional income streams.”

3. Learn from Influential People

Understanding the principles of successful individuals like Ray Dalio and Warren Buffet can offer valuable insights. Their decision-making patterns and consistent rules have played significant roles in their success. This prompt focuses on analyzing their strategies to help you apply similar principles.

“I’m seeking to understand the principles and decision-making processes of top business performers like Ray Dalio and Warren Buffet. Could you analyze their strategies and provide me with a list of the most significant lessons they’ve shared? These lessons should be relevant to achieving [insert specific financial goals or business aspirations]. The focus should be on consistent, long-term principles that have contributed to their success. This analysis will help me form my own set of rules and apply them to identify and capitalize on new opportunities in my financial journey.”

4. Acquire New Skills

Staying relevant in any field means continuously updating your skill set. Ask ChatGPT to recommend new skills to expand your knowledge and open up fresh opportunities. With new skills come new experiences and connections, potentially leading to greater wealth.

“Act as a career advice expert. I need your assistance to expand my skill set and explore new career opportunities. I excel at [list your top skills]. Based on my existing skills, can you recommend 10 new skills that would complement and enhance my career prospects? These suggestions should be targeted towards opening up new opportunities and advancing my knowledge in areas that are in demand. Also, include brief advice on the best ways to acquire each skill. This will aid in identifying paths for professional growth and potentially increasing my income.”

5. Make Room for Opportunity

Financial freedom can be achieved by either increasing income or reducing expenses. Focusing on the latter provides immediate opportunities. This prompt aims at identifying practical ways to cut costs, giving you the flexibility to explore new ventures without financial strain.

“To improve my financial habits and extend my financial runway, I’m focusing on reducing expenses. Can you identify five effective methods to help me lower my spending? These methods should be practical and applicable to my daily life [you can insert specific areas where you wish to cut costs, like food, entertainment, utilities, etc.]. The goal is to find sustainable ways to spend less, giving me the freedom to explore new opportunities without financial pressure. Additionally, include brief tips on how to implement each method effectively.”

Boost Your Income with ChatGPT

Understanding how to increase your wealth and following a strategic plan is key. Regularly reassess your efforts, identify unique skills, learn from successful individuals, acquire new skills, and manage your expenses to optimize your financial journey. ChatGPT can be your personal AI advisor in this quest.



Snack Prompt
The Daily Bite

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