6 ChatGPT Prompts To Build An Entire Ebook From Scratch

Snack Prompt
The Daily Bite
Published in
6 min readDec 10, 2023

Succeeding in business often hinges on standing out. But how do you distinguish yourself as the best choice for potential customers? The answer lies in demonstrating your expertise, showcasing how you can assist them, and familiarizing them with your work to encourage purchases. Content creation is a key strategy in this endeavor, and ebooks are an excellent format for such content.

To leverage this opportunity, you can produce an ebook and make it available on platforms like Amazon Kindle, or offer it in exchange for an email address. To facilitate this, here are six ChatGPT prompts that can help you create a transformative ebook today.

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1. Crafting the Back Cover

Often, the best starting point is the end. In a bookstore, the first thing a customer does is flip a book to read its back cover. This summary is crucial; it must concisely describe the target audience and the reasons they should read your book. For an ebook, this description appears on your Amazon listing and website. Writing it first sets the tone for the rest. Use ChatGPT to draft and refine this section until it perfectly encapsulates your message.

“I am an expert in [describe your area of expertise] and I have ideas for an ebook about [describe your book ideas]. My target audience is [describe your target audience]. Based on this, can you help me craft a compelling back cover description for my ebook? This description should succinctly summarize the book’s content, appeal to my target audience, and clearly articulate why they should read it. The goal is to create an engaging and persuasive summary that encapsulates the essence of the book and convinces potential readers of its value.”

2. Defining the Concept

With a compelling back cover in place, your next step is to create an engaging title and subtitle. These elements are crucial in making your book memorable and promoting reader interest. Use ChatGPT to brainstorm creative titles and subtitles, then test them with your audience and choose the one that resonates most.

“Now that I have a clear back cover description for my ebook, I need a compelling title and subtitle. The title should be memorable, catchy, and reflect the core message of the book. The subtitle should expand on this, providing more insight into what the reader can expect. Can you generate 7 options for both the title and subtitle? I plan to test these options with my target audience to ensure the final choice resonates well and has the best potential for success.”

3. Structuring Your Ebook

Once your title, subtitle, and back cover are set, it’s time to plan the structure of your book. If you have specific ideas, include them in your prompt to ChatGPT. Aim for a structure that includes an introduction, main chapters, and a conclusion, each with a clear, concise focus.

“I’ve decided on the title ‘[insert chosen title]’ and subtitle ‘[insert chosen subtitle]’ for my ebook, which focuses on [briefly describe the main theme or purpose of the book]. I’d like to include specific elements such as [list any specific elements or focuses you want in the book]. Can you help create a structure for the book that includes an introduction, 5 main chapters, and a concluding chapter? For each section, provide a catchy name and a brief bullet point outline of its contents. The structure should flow logically, ensuring the book is comprehensive and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of the subject.”

4. Writing Each Section

Instead of asking ChatGPT to write your book in one go, tackle it section by section. Each chapter should include stories, statistics, and memorable information. This approach ensures each section is relevant, engaging, and instructive, providing clear action points for the reader.

“For the section titled ‘[insert the catchy name of the section]’, my ethos on the topic is [describe your ethos or perspective on this topic]. Before drafting the section, please ask any clarifying questions about the specific stats, data, or examples I want to include: [list any stats, data, or examples you plan to incorporate]. Also, I will share case studies and stories to illustrate my points: [describe relevant personal stories]. If needed, ask for more details on these case studies and stories to ensure they are accurately and effectively integrated. The aim is for this section to be informative, engaging the reader with relevant learnings and compelling narratives and giving them clear action points on what they should do after reading the section.”

5. Concluding with Impact

Your ebook should conclude with a focus on the reader. Outline the actions you want to inspire and how readers can apply what they’ve learned. End with a compelling call to action and provide contact information for further engagement.

“Now that the main sections of my ebook are complete, I need to write a powerful conclusion that reinforces its purpose. The conclusion should start with an opening statement that resonates with my readers [mention any specific opening ideas]. It should include a concise summary of each of the main sections, highlighting the key takeaways from each. Finally, conclude with a strong call to action, inspiring readers to take specific steps based on what they’ve learned. Also, include how they can get in touch with me for further engagement or assistance. The aim is for the conclusion to be reader-focused, providing them with clear next steps and emphasizing my support and encouragement for their success.”

6. Crafting a Strong Introduction

Having started with the end, you now return to the beginning. The introduction is critical; it should grab attention, outline the reader’s challenges, and preview the solutions your book offers. It sets the stage for the entire book and should be crafted with care.

“Now I need to write an introduction for my ebook. The introduction should start with a strong attention-grabbing opening. It should then lay out the pain points or challenges the reader is facing. Next, paint a picture of a better future they can achieve by reading this book and briefly outline the key learnings they can expect. Include a rewrite of my bio, which explains why I am an expert on this subject: [enter your bio here]. End the introduction with a compelling reason for the reader to commit to reading the entire book.”

7. Designing the Graphics

Finally, the visual aspect of your ebook is crucial. Use ChatGPT to generate ideas for your cover and interior illustrations, aligning them with your brand and vision. Collaboration with a graphic designer can help bring these ideas to fruition.

“I have completed all components of my ebook and am now ready to create the graphics, including the cover and inside illustrations. The dimensions for the cover are [specify dimensions], and my brand colors are [mention your brand colors]. I am looking for a design that [describe any specific design ideas or themes you have in mind]. Generate initial graphic designs for the cover and [number required] key illustrations inside the book. Please be open to making amendments based on my feedback, as I want to ensure the final design perfectly aligns with my vision and the content of the book. The aim is to have a visually appealing and professionally designed ebook ready for publication.”


From Idea to Finished Product: Writing an ebook can be a daunting task, especially while managing a business. But an effective ebook can serve as a powerful business tool. Utilize these six ChatGPT prompts to streamline the process, ensuring your ebook not only showcases your expertise but also resonates with your audience.



Snack Prompt
The Daily Bite

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