ChatGPT Prompt Tips To Help You Master Any Subject

Snack Prompt
The Daily Bite
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2023

The following tips will help give you a competitive advantage with the latest version of ChatGPT…

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Capture Your Writing Style

Feed GPT a few samples of your writing and ask it to create a style guide for future outputs.

Example prompt:

“Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Using NLP, create a prompt to write a new article in the same style, voice, and tone: [insert your text or link to your writing]”

Content With A Purpose

Generate content with a specific goal in mind, telling GPT who your audience is, and what you want to achieve with your content.

Example prompt:

“Topic: How to grow your email list For audience: Social media users. Content goal: Motivate audience to feel excited about growing their email list while teaching them one tip.”

Expert Simulator

Ask GPT to play the role of a customer or skilled expert, and generate content as if it were that specific persona.

Example prompt:

“Act as a seasoned data scientist and guide me in writing a report that highlights the latest trends and predictions in the field of artificial intelligence. Provide me with unique insights and expert advice that will help me deliver high-quality, informative content to my audience.”

Unconventional Prompts

Try using prompts that are more open-ended or abstract to get unique and creative responses. You can unlock GPT’s creative potential in finding vivid language and unexpected topics.

Example prompt:

“Write a poem about content creation” or “Describe feeling like an digital marketer in 10 adjectives.”


Instead of asking GPT to generate a list of potential topic ideas for your next project or ask for new angles to cover a familiar topic.

Example prompt:

“Topic: Improving your copywriting skills. For the above topic, come up with new and innovative ideas that are out-of-the-box and unconventional.”

Challenge Mainstream Thought

Ask for examples that contradict the dominant narrative to seek out provocative angles that defy expectations and break the mold.

Example prompt:

“Give examples that contradict the ideas expressed on this webpage, and generate thought-provoking solutions: [insert webpage URL]”

Experiment With Styles & Tone

Write in different styles or tones to create more dynamic and varied content.

Style examples:

  • Descriptive
  • Persuasive
  • Narrative
  • Expository
  • Technical
  • Academic
  • Creative
  • Informal
  • Formal
  • Humorous
  • Dramatic
  • Poetic
  • Mystical
  • Suspenseful
  • Romantic
  • Realistic
  • Surrealistic
  • Gothic

Tone Examples:

  • Serious
  • Humorous
  • Sarcastic
  • Ironic
  • Cynical
  • Satirical
  • Confident
  • Doubtful
  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • Sympathetic
  • Empathetic
  • Angry
  • Aggressive
  • Respectful
  • Playful
  • Sincere
  • Objective

Example prompt:

“Give [insert style] advice you can about using GPT-4 to create more effective content in a [insert tone].”

Different Perspective

Ask it to write from the perspective of a group of characters with different backgrounds.

Example prompt:

“Topic: Productivity for entrepreneurs. For the above topic, write multiple perspectives from a group with different viewpoints using their own voice and phrasing.”

Format Switch

Use GPT to write in different formats, such as outlines, mind maps, bullet points, persuasive essays, or chunks of text of less than 280 characters, using a specific structure.

Example prompt:

“Create a mind map on the topic of using Notion to stay organized as a content creator, listing out the central idea, main branches, and sub-branches.”

Human-Written Inspiration

Ask GPT to work according to information you’ve read elsewhere, like persuasive writing tips from a blog post.

Example prompt:

“Write a brief post about why copywriting is an essential skill in 2023. Use the insights from the following webpage: [insert webpage URL]”

Pro Tip: GPT-4 can now process web links and images — use this to your advantage when prompting [or ask GPT the best way to do so].



Snack Prompt
The Daily Bite

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