Web Development Awesomeness using SvelteJS and TailwindCSS

Arunabh Das
The Daily Chai
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2021


Make web development fun again by creating a frontend web application using SvelteJS and TailwindCSS

Make Web Development Awesome and Fun Again

Make web development fun again by creating a frontend web application using SvelteJS and TailwindCSS

It’s time to note that the holy grail of frontend web-development stacks is here.

The steps outlined in this tutorial can be used to attain frontend stack nirvana.

Step 1 | Initialize a SvelteJS app as follows

npx degit sveltejs/template stackmvp-site

You will see the stackmvp-site folder initialized

Step 2 | cd into the stackmvp folder and install the npm packages

npm install

The packages are installed in the node_modules folder

Step 3 | Install the tailwindcss and related package as follows

npm install autoprefixer postcss-cli tailwindcss concurrently cross-env — save-dev

Create a file called postcss.config.js in the root folder (stackmvp-site folder)

touch postcss.config.js

Create a file called tailwind.css in the public folder as follows

cd public && touch tailwind.css



Arunabh Das
The Daily Chai

Sort of an executive-officer-of-the-week of a-techno-syndicalist commune. Cypherpunk, techno-idealist, peacenik, spiritual, humanist