1 Simple Step to Avoid Distractions in Writing

Just write

Writer's Dream
The Daily Cuppa Grande
2 min readJun 7, 2024



Yesterday, while writing, I continued switching to other tabs on my laptop to check new notifications.

How many of you do this?

When my curious mind distracts me from writing, it tries to do a few unnecessary tasks.

  • Checking the count of email subscribers
  • Accessing YouTube to get information on the current article
  • Checking social media platforms to find relevant posts

Surprisingly, each relates to writing, but all of them distract me from the task of actual writing.

The result?

The content ideas vanish from my mind and leave me frustrated.

Even a few thoughts also work impeccably to distract me from writing.

  • Why am I writing?
  • Will I make any revenue from writing?
  • Who will read my content?
  • What is the point of writing if I am not getting any views?

These are some of the many distracting thoughts I get while writing.

I have devised a simple solution for this.

Daily, enter into a strict focus zone for 30 minutes. During this time, I do not do/think anything. I write.

So before starting the day, I write for half an hour. I spend the rest of the day in analysis.


It has worked.

If you feel the distractions are obstructing your writing, try my method.

Do you want to build a writing habit? Click here for a free ebook.

