A Ghost or An Intruder?

Someone slept in my bed last night

Adrienne Beaumont
The Daily Cuppa Grande


How do I know? This is how they left it. The bed had been made yesterday. I had thought of stripping it and washing the sheets but it’s been raining. That’s my excuse. I thought I might be hallucinating. (Effect of THC?) So I walked away to to get my phone to take a photo to prove it to everyone.

I’m not sure which is the most frightening. Someone has slunk past my security system ( I have none) and walked quietly past my room and into the back bed. A scary thought. I had left the front door unlocked as Dean wasn’t home when I went to bed and he often forgets his key. Had someone followed him in? Or was it the ghost manifesting itself?

Don’t worry. I’ll get to the bottom of this mystery.



Adrienne Beaumont
The Daily Cuppa Grande

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.