The Day I Made a New Friend

I’m excited about changing it up on Medium

Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

Recently, I deleted, renamed, and consolidated my articles into fewer ‘Lists’ on Medium. It felt as liberating as uncluttering actual physical space.

You can see the results here:

Next, I’d been thinking about FOM (Friend of Medium) a lot lately. Many of my readers are FOMs and I was beyond grateful for their consistent support.

Doubts about FOM

At first, I was unsure about whether I should accept the pro-rated rate covering the end of my regular $5 membership, how I could renew as a monthly instead of an annual membership, and whether it was indeed worth it. Those thoughts can be found here:



Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Top and Boosted Writer. I write food/travel pieces centered around the UK, India, and the US. I also cover writing. Follow me on Instagram @monicaonthemoveray