Advice|Inspiration|Personal Growth

Don’t Be Shoulding On Yourself

Self bashing gets you nowhere fast

Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa Grande
3 min readSep 26, 2022


Image by Author with Canva and Fotor

Several years ago, frustrated, I threw myself across my bed. I had done something — for the umpteenth time — that was in poor character. I chided myself,

“I should be much better, by now!”
“What’s wrong with me?”

While lying there, I sensed an immediate inner response. You can label it God, intuition, higher self, or whatever you prefer. The message was the same.

“I’m not going to talk to you about what’s wrong with you.” The ‘voice’ continued, “I want to focus on what’s right with you.”

Many of us value self-criticism. This quality, in our opinion, is a powerful testament to the moral characteristics of honesty, responsibility, and integrity. We see self-criticism as a necessary step towards growth and progress.

We tell ourselves that becoming better people requires that we go boldly inward, scrutinize our weaknesses, and own up to them.

However, relevant research is telling a different story:

Instead of being honest with ourselves, our inner critics may be placing uncompromising demands upon our shoulders. Prodding for increasingly higher improvement and performance.



Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!