Don’t Stand So Close To Me

It drives me nuts when someone invades my personal space

Petra Kidd
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Images by by Dean Drobot and by Przemek Klos

Today, at a cafe, I had just ordered a coffee, and as I moved away from the counter, I felt a woman pressing into my back.

It wasn’t crowded at all, but for some reason she had to stand close enough to touch me.

Recently, this happened at a concert, but in a much more intimidating way.

Although I subtly attempted to push the woman behind me away, she continued to press tightly against my body. Intuitively, I felt her pushy presence meant I’d better not turn around and ask her to stop. I worried she might verbally abuse me. It was like physical goading, with her entire body matching mine at full length. I surmised that some people do strange things to gain attention. Weird.

When the band started, I leapt into the air and accidentally landed on her foot. She soon moved then. There was no need for her to be so close.

Why would anyone think it is alright to be so invasive of another’s space?

Headphones have a lot to answer for. They’ve prevented people from being aware of what’s around them. There have been times when, changing directions in a street, someone bumps into me from behind or the side because they are wearing headphones, and it is inhibiting their spatial awareness.

Sometimes I wonder if it is also a subconscious reaction in the aftermath of the 2020 pandemic, when we all had to isolate. Now everyone wants to get up close and personal.

I for one, don’t!

Have you noticed this happening too?



Petra Kidd
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Photographer and Writer. I write short stories. I shoot, I write, I publish. Find me by the River Wensum.