Forever Flowing
The Living Current
To all my closest and dearest friends.
I know.
I know you haven’t seen me for a while. I am currently in my own current — see?
Lost? — no, not lost.
I am currently in my own current
dwelling in the depths of my oceanic streams —
being flooded and showered by wisdom that dwells in the deep.
Wisdom that nourishes.
Wisdom that animates.
Wisdom that radiates and speaks —
not through words, but through sound and vibration.
Wisdom that awakens my senses.
Wisdom that speaks through my menses.
The kind of wisdom that has my status — as:
I don’t know how I know, but I know that I know.
This is the current — sea, now my indwelling.
This is the current — see, my soul twirling.
This is the current — see, it excites me!
This is the current — sea, it enlivens me.
This current is currently everything — to me.
I lose sleep for it, and — it pours energy into me.
This current that I speak, this current that I seek
They say seek and ye shall find.
In the depths there I do reside.
Be here till the end of time.
Cause energy never dies.
This is my current — sea
Flowing inside of me
Flowing forever
Lo, from now
to eternity.