Simple Childhood Treats That Take You Back to Happy Times

Cadbury’s Flakes and their stories

Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
The Daily Cuppa Grande


A Cadbury’s Flake in a glass of chilled milk. The glass has green stripes and is placed on a black and white marble table, with a red lamp in the background.
A Cadbury’s Flake in chilled milk. The simplest things in life are the best (credit: Monica Ray)

Overlook the ratty, green and blue-striped glass from Ikea. Focus instead on what it holds. While the glass may be overused and unfit for social occasions, it’s a perfect size for a private and indulgent treat from my childhood.

Everyone growing up in the UK will know and remember Cadbury’s Flakes with love. As a child, I enjoyed unwrapping the yellow packaging and biting off mouthfuls of crumbly, tasty chocolate. I used to imagine that I was devouring little branches of a tree and was always pleading my Mum to give them to me as a daily snack—fat chance.

My brother and I used to put a plate underneath our flakes, so we could round up all the bits at the end and enjoy a sweet encore.

I can’t remember how or when I started adding milk to the mix, but I did. Maybe it was a family tradition or perhaps we saw an ad somewhere. Fellow Brits, please chip in with your recollections.

But it truly is a match made in heaven.

I can’t do the taste justice in words. Imagine as best you can, a marriage of cold, fluid milk…



Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Top and Boosted Writer. I write food/travel pieces centered around the UK, India, and the US. I also cover writing. Follow me on Instagram @monicaonthemoveray