Subtitles in Paragraphs

How To Find Hidden Subtitles

Where to find your best sources

Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Observation and patience of quail to find food in winter.
Photo by Author

Photo by author; Observation and Patience (keywords). As photographers and writers, we search through barriers to find words of thought (food for thought if you’re a quail in winter).

Since 1989, I have searched for a better way to understand the meaning of paragraphs. Words have meaning, but not all paragraphs clearly tell the readers a relevant path of words.

I found the best way for me to see a pattern in a story or textbook is to highlight keywords and phrases.

Keys to subtitles

Your challenge to finding key phrases in paragraphs;

(1) Find and highlight the key phrases or keywords in your paragraphs that pinpoint the meaning under each subtitle.

(2) Then, arrange each highlighted phrase to create a better subtitle.

(3) Replace your original subtitle with your new subtitle for that section.

(4) Arrange the subtitle for highlighted key phrases in each section for a road map of words in your subtitle.

(5) Use the sequence of highlighted wording in your new subtitle to guide the reader paragraph by paragraph. A user-friendly path in your storytelling. ]

(6) Edit the sequence of key phrases for an easy flow of your story, if your first arrangement doesn’t feel right.

Experiment with the flow of your storytelling. I need to every day.



Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande

53 years as explorer, writer, photographer. Photographs to Paragraphs. One-eye writing to share experiences of learning to adapt. 28-yrs geologist.