Social Media

How to Tweet a Connection Between Your Words & Twitter

The key is to keep it simple

Ellie Jacobson
The Daily Cuppa Grande
4 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Social media is a great tool to elevate your words and your connections. I know what you’re thinking. “I don’t have time for that!”

Start simple. Twitter.

Trust me, I understand how overwhelming social media is. I’ve been using Twitter since 2009 so I’ve had some time to grow my audience. But I limit most of my social media to Twitter and Instagram.

For Medium writers, I recommend focusing on Twitter account because Medium and Twitter are integrated.

Medium makes it easy to tweet your articles. You can use the share button at the beginning of your Medium article or my favorite the highlight tweet button. When you highlight, you have three options: highlight, comment or share to Twitter. Make sure your Twitter account is connected to your Medium account because your Twitter handle will automatically be displayed with the quote you highlighted.

Twitter Basics

First step, set up an account (if you don’t have one already, of course). Or dust the cobwebs off the account you set up ages ago, but haven’t used.



Ellie Jacobson
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Editor at Flash Fiction Magazine & Intrepidus Ink | Flint & Steel editor | MFA candidate working on first novel | mom to 2 kitties, 2 teenage sons & many cats