I Was Not Dead!
Was it a misdirected derangement, or did the drunken neighbors do it?
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A bright light burned my eyes. I rubbed them — big mistake. Ouch! I closed them, and cupped my palms over them to block out the light and blinked until I created tears. I need to start taking krill oil again for these dry eyes.
I was groggy. It couldn’t be a hangover. I don’t drink. When I lifted my foot to do my morning stretches, I slipped off the bed.
It wasn’t my bed!
It wasn’t a bed!
Where was I?
Squinting I looked around. A cup, stack of books, and vase of flowers sat on a table by a large window with the sun shining through lace curtains. A woman in a black nightgown sat at a chair with her head lying on the table.
Was she dead?
Who was she?
I was on the floor by a beautiful brocade fainting couch. It was as soft as velvet and burgundy. I like burgundy. All the furnishings appeared to be antiques: The real deal, not modern copies. Beautiful and burgundy or not, my eyes…