I’m Still Cracking My Sides Laughing
Maybe you can relate!
I had dinner with a friend of my brother last night. During the evening he shared this story!
It happened 24 years ago.
But just to put you in the picture, my brother has been CEO for several companies over the years, and these days sits on a few high-level committees.
He has two married daughters, one a lawyer and the other a scientist, so you’d deduce that he’s possibly smart, and attentive to detail.
Anyway, his first marriage failed and eventually, though not right away, he remarried, and in time they produced … a SON!
Imagine his joy!
They were both ecstatic.
No story of any note here. This is a much of a non-event for the rest of the world, but please keep reading!
So eventually he had to fill in the child’s birth certificate. Now, I cant say whether he’d had a celebratory drink with friends beforehand, but whatever it was, this is roughly how the form was filled in.
Name of registered child: Sean Andrew Linnard … he got that right!
Name of father: Francis John Linnard … em, nope!
Birth place of father: Dungannon … Country Tyrone Northern Ireland … not so!