I’ve Discovered A Writing Niche, and How You Can Too

Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
The Daily Cuppa Grande
2 min readApr 8, 2024


I’ve written many articles in the past two (almost) years! When you write and write and write, some things become clearer.

You discover what you like writing about, what your readers gravitate toward, and what you’re eager to read about as well.

I’ve definitely struggled to define a niche, and I’m far from being the only one. We all have so much to say about everything — it’s only natural.

But after writing 300+ articles, the idea for a niche just came to me this morning. Talk about a ‘Eureka’ moment!

I updated my profile tagline to state:

Niche: Experiences centered around living in NYC, London, and India.

At first glance, this looks like a very broad topic, but I’m planning to write about a myriad of different experiences all centered around those three locations.

Defining this niche has lifted a weight off my mind, because I was struggling to focus.

How can you define your niche

First off, you don’t have to. If you want to write about anything, do that.

However, if you really want to provide more specific content, examine BOTH what you write and read about the…



Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Top and Boosted Writer. I write food/travel pieces centered around the UK, India, and the US. I also cover writing. Follow me on Instagram @monicaonthemoveray