As the right leg turns

Janice Macdonald
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Author’s Photo

Moi hiding behind a lovely orange kalancho (I think that’s the name) my partner brought in. Last year, during my hip op he brought me a white one which is still blooming happily.

I love them, but I’m sending notice to my left hip and knee not to get any ideas. I have enough bionic parts and kalanchos to last me.

So 20 days since surgery, fourteen days in rehab – something like that. Between pills for pain and sleep and long, long days of therapy my brain is mushier than mush. The goal before discharge is 100 percent knee extension – I’d like to explain exactly what that means, but I can’t. But some perspective, the day after surgery when M. le Mayor came in with his torture machine I could barely do 20. Today, I did 90 – my best yet. Tomorrow the kiné will work with me on going up and down stairs – Which I’ll obviously need to do one I’m back home in the garret. Estimated day of departure from Clinique is end of next week.

I’m using crutches now, graduated from walker last week and can move around the room unaided.

So that’s about it for now – Other than the question of why institutional food is so unappetizing. It’s not as though no thought goes into it, there’s a variety of all the basics – Grains, veg, meat, fruit etc – But…



Janice Macdonald
The Daily Cuppa Grande

At 68, I started a new chapter in my life: I moved to France. Alone. It turned out to be quite the page-turner. Still is — even when age insists on a part.