Memories of Paris.

The flame burns
The Daily Cuppa Grande
2 min readSep 18, 2023


Chris Karidis


On a spring morning, I sip my coffee as if the warm caffeine will replenish a soul-depleted. How did I arrive in such disarray, like a golden retriever aiming to please everyone above all else? Will drain from the marrow of my bones. I long and want to bring forth a smile to your lips. When all you care about is how I might better your living environment.

There are so many takers in this sea of life we swim, thinking we have a clear vision of the waters. When an iceberg is spotted, we forget the sizable danger existing out of sight. We are mesmerized by the beauty learned in fairy tale, blind to the same lying below skin’s depth.

True beauty rarely announces itself in all that glitters, for it is also the victim of heartbreak. It yearns to be discovered, living in the moment of love. While we, the wounded, march side by side. On the path paved in hope.

I hold no disdain for you, Paris. In hindsight, you were drowning, much like I. A prisoner of the slums, you recognized your escape. Broken, I mistook your gaze for a love interest. Now I realize it to be the look of the hunter sizing its prey. How trusting this fool came to give you his heart.

The coffee does little to dull the horror of our last encounter. Your lifeless blue stare against the plush emerald green of the forest haunts. Contrast to your pout of plump pink lips that once ruled like royalty. Now silent in a scream.

You have instilled the spark, the lust of a new desire. Paris, you have given me purpose again. I will savor our final moments as I recreate them with new splendor.

With new zest, in the company of fresh takers. I will rehearse our start and end as if new bloom upon the thorn stalk.

I finish the final drop of coffee and scurry to flag down a taxi. The trip to the airport is foremost until we meet again. I am troubled to think of you all alone beneath the setting sun. Rest assured, I will have warm thoughts of you often.

They claim all is fair in love and war, but what is this that we have shared? Birth, dare I say. You have taught me to appreciate the taking of the ultimate gift.

Our love shall reign eternally.


The Daily Cuppa Grande

Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.