My Love for The Cuppa

My life changed 6 months ago thanks to this brew

Barb Dalton
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

I never thought for one second I could write. Technical writing, yes, but not blogging or entertaining pieces. Then I spied a Facebook post promoting the Little Black Book Challenge on Vocal Media in February. I sent the post to my son; he’s very creative, and I told him he should enter.

I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I could do this! We were in lockdown and I was tired of knitting, cross-stitching, and watching Netflix. Three days later, I submitted my first ever story — well; it was actually a poem, and into the cavernous world of writing I fell.

From that moment, I was smitten, bitten, and, thankfully; not spat out.

I wrote about my background and writing in an About Me story here on Medium. I made the transition to this platform in April, somewhat frustrated with my writing getting zero attention on Vocal Media unless they made the ‘top story’ slot.

16 stories later, I had learned a lot and decided to write about it;



Barb Dalton
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Mum to 3 humans; Cat lover. A Kiwi-Canuck. Nursing Instructor by day; rants and reminisces by night. Owner of Nursing Notes and a proud Booster of A+ stories