Ode to the Sausage Dog: Quirky, Yet Lovable

Story of my adventure with a rescue dog

Web Wave
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Image by Author

What comes to mind when you think of a Corgi? How about a hound? Or is it a pit bull? Grab hold of those mental images and follow me for a moment.

Imagine you are 5 years old and you just opened a new box of 24 colorful crayons. You are tasked with drawing a dog that displays characteristics from all 3 of these dog breeds.

How does your dog look? Maybe something like this:

AI generated photo of Guapo the beloved dog
AI generated photo of Guapo the beloved dog Image by Author

The above image is an AI generated image using the prompt “a dog that is a mix of a corgi, basset hound, and a pit bull with a brindle colored coat standing on a sidewalk.”

I did this as a test to see if my assumptions were right on about my beloved pup, Guapo. He is a unique mix with a long body, short stubby legs, and thick muscular body. Without further ado, I present to you Guapo (Because he is just so handsome). Let me know in the comments how you think he compares to the AI generated image of him. :-)

Guapo the beloved and quirky pooch image by author

Guapo is a brindle-colored dog with a personality as unique as his appearance. He has a set of quirks that set him apart from any other dog I have ever known. For one thing, Guapo has an uncanny ability to communicate with us through a series of expressive facial expressions. When he wants something from us, he will just stare at us for a long time and then wink as if to say, “C’mon, go get me a treat, you know you want to.”

One of Guapo’s most peculiar quirks is his love for sitting in windows. He jumps up onto the back of the couch, positions himself so that he is facing the window, and then watches the world go by for hours on end. It is almost like he is meditating or daydreaming; lost in his own world of observation.

Guapo and our daughter staring out the window
Guapo and our daughter staring out the window image by author

Another one of Guapo’s quirks is his preoccupation with fluffing his spot before he lays down. Every time he climbs onto the couch or bed, he insists on walking in circles, pawing at the surface and fluffing his spot until it is just right. This, combined with his window watching on the back of the couch, sometimes I think there is some feline in him.

Guapo caught as he attempts to fluff his spot in the window
Me with Guapo and Winston. Image by author

You might be wondering where on Earth we found such a uniquely adorable dog. We adopted Guapo when he was about one year old from an animal rescue based out of Ohio called Louie’s Legacy. They were great to work with and take great care of their animals. Guapo lived with a foster family before we adopted him. They were ready to keep him forever if no one came forward to adopt him.

You can find out more about them here:

Despite his many quirks, Guapo is a beloved member of our family. We appreciate his unique personality and the joy he brings into our lives. Whenever Guapo curls up in his window or winks at us, we can’t help but smile and be thankful for Guapo’s lovable, eccentric personality.

We love Guapo so much that we attempted to get another one of him. We didn’t find his twin, but we found Winston. That’s a story for another time!

If you enjoyed this article about Guapo, please follow me here on Medium for more helpful tips on making sure our dogs are living their best life!

