Photos tell ‘more than a 1,000 words’

when words describe your personal experience

Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Photo by author. Finding how to survive day to day. A lone quail searches for food. Winter is scarce in nature's treats. The author built 4 bird feeders and provided seed food each winter for 16 years

Photo by author. Finding how to survive day to day. A lone quail searches for food. Winter is scarce in nature's treats. The author built 4 bird feeders and provided seed food each winter for 16 years. I know the feeling.

Create Authenticity and Trust

Finding how to survive in my early years taught me valuable life lessons about trust and building authentic skills; learning where the food is available, creating warmth in layers of clothes or blankets, and help neighbors with small chores to earn money.

Learning how to survive when the normal way of living has changed, showed others the authentic spirit to survive. One day at a time.

Years later, the learning curve became steeper. If you want to build a better existence, learn the skills to deserve the essentials of trust and friendships.

Photographs and storytelling attracted my curiosity.

I was amazed at how a picture was created on a Polaroid camera. Then upgrading to Kodak Instamatic camera expanded the number of pictures I could take when exploring the neighborhood.

Today, we can take hundreds of photos in one day or more. There are special photos that were a moment of being in the right place at the right time. Other situations required hard work, planning, and perspective for capturing your special moment.

The emotions that I felt excited my description of the moment. Storytelling was merged with my photos. Each photograph and each paragraph brings you new emotions about all the life around you.



Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande

53 years as explorer, writer, photographer. Photographs to Paragraphs. One-eye writing to share experiences of learning to adapt. 28-yrs geologist.