Quick Fixes for Instant Joy: Unleash Happiness with These Instant Mood-Boosting Tips

Recharge your emotions with zero cost

Writer's Dream
The Daily Cuppa Grande
2 min readDec 9, 2023


Last week, I was not feeling emotionally well.

I tried a few things like -

  • Listening to a motivational podcast
  • Doing physical workout
  • Doing meditation

Nothing worked for me.

It amazes me to realize when I am in a happy mood, these techniques look so magical.

But when I am in a terrible mood, nothing works.

However, I tried a few unconventional things, and it worked.

Get Outside

After an hour of work, the fresh air outside has a magical effect on my mind and body.

I feel good to stretch my vision to the sky and the green trees.


When I anticipate an unpleasant mood, I call my mother, and we laugh.

It eases out all the tension.

Go for a walking

Walking is my best friend.

When I feel confused, I head out for a walk.

I may not have all the solutions, but it clears my mind.

Finish a household chore

I cleaned my house this morning. I can say it also cleared my mind.

There was an instant satisfaction.

When you feel sad, talking to someone is a good idea.

But being self-dependent is better in times of internal crisis.

