Seeing With One Eye-Book 3, CH 2

Caring at the Ground Level

Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Our cat exploring the weeping willow in the backyard.
Photos by T. Sparley. Our cat, Paws, explores a tree in the backyard.

Imagine how you would feel, during a walk in your backyard, if you scratched an eye from a small branch.

I did that a while back.

It hurt. Concerns of an injury scratched my fears.

Now, imagine yourself walking at 4 inches in height for your eye level, lurking through the backyard. A sharp stem of grass pokes your eye.

Our pets' safety from outside dangers is a concern. We know the curiosity of pets is a strange and impulsive habit.

I began spring yard work with a new perspective of cutting our wild grasses and a concern for the eye safety of our cats.

So, instead of clipping the dead stems at 3–4 inches, I cut or pulled them at ground level.

Your mental adventure at 4 inches above the ground will surprise you.

Caring is helping others to lessen or avoid the pain you experienced.



Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande

53 years as explorer, writer, photographer. Photographs to Paragraphs. One-eye writing to share experiences of learning to adapt. 28-yrs geologist.