T.S. Eliot Called April the Cruelest Month

Maybe he had allergies

Janice Macdonald
The Daily Cuppa Grande
3 min readApr 5, 2024


Wild iris, southern France (all photos by author)

As I write this, Languedoc winds are blowing and my eyes are streaming. It’s April. The ‘cruellest month,’ as T. S. Eliot described it in The Wasteland. Cruel, in his view because April is a time of growth and renewal which creates reason for hope. And hope, as we know all too well, often leads to disappointment.

Kind of like hoping the allergy pills I’ve just popped will stop the sniffing, sneezing and streaming. Maybe Eliot has allergies too. I hold Mother Nature responsible for April’s cruelty. Why make it one of the most beautiful months, flowers blooming everywhere, then fill the blossoms with stuff that makes it impossible to be out there admiring them?

And throwing in gusty winds to blow the stuff everywhere is a masterful touch of cruelty.

Really, MN, we are not amused.

Mother Nature’s April welcome mat

According to the World Health Organisation, allergy is the 4th chronic disease in the world, its prevalence increasing mostly due to climate change — especially in Europe.



Janice Macdonald
The Daily Cuppa Grande

At 68, I started a new chapter in my life: I moved to France. Alone. It turned out to be quite the page-turner. Still is — even when age insists on a part.