The Brutally Honest Truth When it Comes to Positive Thinking

Why you should think positively

Indra Raj Pathak
The Daily Cuppa Grande
4 min readDec 24, 2022


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You can talk all you want about positive thinking and still have negative thoughts popping into your head.

Maybe it’s happening to you.

No matter how much you restrict the unwanted, nothing seems to stick.

Let’s fix your thinking so you can think about what you actually want.

It becomes a practiced or dominant thought whenever you have continuously concentrated on a subject, resulting in continuous vibrational activation of it within you.

When this occurs, things that match it start to arise around your dominant thought.

Similarly to how your previous thought was linked by other thoughts that matched it, things that match your dominant thought will now begin to appear in your experience.

Your Belief

Things wanted or unwanted will begin to make their way into your personal experience once your focused attention has sufficiently activated a dominant vibration within you.

What you’re focusing on is already pulsing with energy.

Then, as you concentrate on it, you begin to vibrate in sync with it.

Thus, every time you focus on it and offer vibration, it feels easier the next time, until you develop a kind of vibrational preference over time.

If you put enough concentration on this thought, it becomes your belief.

A belief is nothing more than a practiced vibration.

Thus, you have practiced a thought enough, the Law of Attraction will easily take you into the full vibration of your belief whenever you access the subject of that thought.

As a result, the Law of Attraction now accepts that belief as your point of attraction and attracts things that resonate with you.

So, because you have life experience that corresponds to the thoughts you were considering, you declare it to be true.

It is, in fact, an attraction or creation.

Believe Me: You Have Control Over What You Believe

Many people observe and evaluate what is going on around them, but they often believe they have no control over their beliefs.

They spend their lives categorizing events as good or bad, wanted or unwanted, right or wrong — but they rarely recognize that they have the ability to control their personal relationship with these events.

Your set points are achieved simply by paying attention to a subject and practicing the desired thought, as you can change your emotional set point from feeling good to not feeling good, or from not feeling good to feeling good.

There Are Two Ways To Think and Change Your Life — Only One is Right

There are things you want and things you don’t want.

When you believe you are thinking about something you want, you are often thinking about the exact opposite of what you want.

For example, you might say, “I want to be rich.”

I don’t want to be impoverished.”

I want to amass a large sum of money.”

I don’t want to be poor.”

What you think and what you get back are always a perfect vibrational match, making a conscious correlation between what you are thinking and what is experiencing in your life experience can be very beneficial.

But it’s even better if you can figure out where you’re going before you get there.

Scan your emotions to determine your precise inclination.

Follow The Emotional Guidance System to Traverse the Terrain

If you do not know your vibrational content and your current point of attraction.

It’s difficult to tell the difference between the actual thought of what you want and the thought of its absence.

However, based on emotional response, it is simple to distinguish between the thought of your desire and the thought of its absence.

Because you feel wonderful when you are completely focused on your desire and your vibrational offering solely reveals that.

So when you focus on the absence of something you truly desire, you feel terrible.

Your emotions always tell you what you’re doing with your vibration; they always tell you exactly what your point of attraction is; and so, by paying attention to your emotions and intentionally offering thoughts that affect how you feel, you can consciously guide yourself into the vibrational frequency that will allow you to fulfill any desire you have.

Friend, Please Understand This

I wish I could let you look at what you want. If you could see how scary good you could be if you just practiced directing your thoughts towards what you wanted, you’d be more motivated to think well of anything and everything.

Your happy thought is nothing more than a timestamp of what you believe at the moment.

Don’t doubt your ability to choose in every situation.

Remember that the next moment is always unpredictable; it may please or irritate you.

Why do you think something bad will happen?

Don’t argue, “It always happens to me, only bad,” because you’re preparing for an unpleasant situation.

By focusing your attention on something unpleasant, you invite it into your experience.

You remember that you invited them.

Don’t blame it on bad luck.

You’re creating what you’re experiencing. No external power can interfere with your experience without your permission.

