The Eclipse Gave Me a Peek into the Universe.

This is what it taught me. (and you)

DL Nemeril
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Woman in gauzy dress falling in a night sky a shaft of light shining on her forehead.
It’s very agreeable. Try it! Witold Pruszkowski Falling star National Museum Warsaw public domain

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Who knew I could sit on my couch and dance with the universe? The mundane and the sublime seamlessly intertwined.

I kinda forced myself to watch the eclipse. A big celestial event is always an important moment to tune in. In laziness, I signed up for’s meditation. But day of, nothing appeared.

What? I stubbornly clicked away Nada. Nuttin’. (Turns out they canceled because of the weather.)

Forced to fend for myself, I poked around for a live feed. Most had commenters yammering away nonstop, flipping from city to city. Hardly the right ambiance.

Finally, NASA graced my screen. Some music, an image, and nothing more.

I settled down feeling a little ridiculous watching a circle moving incredibly slowly over another circle. I mean, what is the big deal?

Then suddenly, I must have tuned into the universe’s frequency. I saw the sun with the planets all turning in space. And beyond the masses of stars and galaxies. The Earth appeared small and precious, a garden planet.



DL Nemeril
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Depending on the day, optimist, grump, counselor, artist. Explorer of inner worlds, sacred site junkie. Helping others on their path while discovering my own