The Happiest Time of My Life

Day 21 of Keeley’s writing challenge

Adrienne Beaumont
The Daily Cuppa Grande


He thinks he’s so smart — he’s learned to climb a ladder — and give his nanna heart attacks!

Well, I’m pretty happy now being able to spend time with my gorgeous grandson but I’m spending so much time with him, he’s calling me Mum as well as his real mum. That can’t be good. And he’s 18 months old and full of beans — the Energizer Bunny has nothing on him! But I’ve had knee issues to deal with so life has been far from perfect.

I recall fondly the best 5 weeks of my life were spent travelling around Europe with Keeley soaking in as many thermes as we could. We both love hot water! We had discovered Berchtesgaden and Budapest on our previous European trip and wanted to find some more.

Let me tell you about our first spa experience in Bath. Photos are all Keeley’s.

The view from the rooftop spa Photo by Keeley Schroder

Up early- well earlyish- to catch the 10.03 train to Bath. It was a miserable rainy day and we got wet just walking to Elephant & Castle. Tubed it to Paddington for the connection to Bath. I knew we had to buy tickets instead of using the Oyster cards, but what I didn’t know was they would cost 69 pounds - EACH! I thought she said 38 pounds for 2, not 138 pounds!



Adrienne Beaumont
The Daily Cuppa Grande

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.