The Pause of Paws

Tranquility in troubled times

Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Photo by the author. Our cat, Paws, is in the relaxing mood of pausing on a winter day.
Silhouette of Peace in Paws. Photo by the author.

Our cat, Paws, is in the relaxing mood of pausing.

With the peace of pausing, you can relax anywhere and anytime.

This friendship grew from the day I rescued a young cat from thirty feet up a ponderosa pine tree.

The neighbor’s dog had chased this wandering cat up the tree. It was the quickest and safest escape route. Lucky that their dogs can’t climb trees.

After talking the little one down the tree, he followed me for the next three years.

First year, cold temperatures of 40 degrees started a deeper bonding. I sat in a camping chair, waiting for my new friend, now called Paws.

He appeared from under the low branches of a blue spruce and jumped onto the deck. His eyes showed a need for attention. So, I opened my winter coat, and he jumped on my chest. We would keep each other company each day. A make-shift shelter of a cat carrier covered by our deck table and tarp provided safe shelter. More improvements were added as the temperatures dropped.

For the next three years, we shared the couch and fireplace during winter. In the warmer seasons, we still shared that camping chair on the back deck.

Paws gave me a reason to relax and pause — every day and this morning.



Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa Grande

53 years as explorer, writer, photographer. Photographs to Paragraphs. One-eye writing to share experiences of learning to adapt. 28-yrs geologist.