The Rise of Petextrians

A habit that can affect your body and brain

Marcus CKB
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Photo by Author

Petextrians refers to pedestrians who are distracted by their mobile devices, often engrossed in texting, browsing, or engaging with social media while walking.

Distracted walkers are everywhere in Singapore. With necks bent, eyes glued to their screens, and ears plugged with earbuds, they roam our streets, often oblivious to their surroundings.

These “smartphone zombies” are a common sight, navigating their way with one hand on their devices.

So, what are people looking at on their phones?

Many are scrolling through social media like Instagram and TikTok, text messaging, or playing mobile games, none of which are urgent.

These distractions take our focus away from our surroundings, turning walking into a potentially risky activity.

One of the most noticeable traits of distracted walkers is their slower pace. The moment we focus on our screens, our peripheral vision narrows, and our brain compensates by shortening our steps.

This not only slows us down but often causes human traffic jams. It’s so frustrating to be stuck behind someone moving at a snail’s pace, completely unaware of their…



Marcus CKB
The Daily Cuppa Grande

An INFJ sharing his thoughts about life and events around the world. A photographer freezing fleeting moments of life with his camera.