The Secret Tip to Instantly Becoming Half Your Width and Twice Your Height

All you have to do is this

Maria Rattray
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Let the magic begin!!!!
Let the magic begin!!!! Photo by Lloyd Newman on Unsplash

I haven’t seen myself in a full-length mirror since we moved house.

There wasn’t one in the wardrobes, and I meant to have at least one installed, but over time, life got in the way and I simply didn’t worry.

The fact is, there are mirrors everywhere one goes these days, so if I pass the pub test there, shop window, store, wherever, then all is good in the State of Denmark.

But then when, in desperation to see myself in the heady swathes of cobbled-together dresses I had bought online, after exhausting all possibilities in real-live shops, for my daughter’s wedding, I decided I needed a mirror.

Up until making this bold decision, and having decided that a mirror is a mirror, is a mirror, and not mentally at one with what KIND of mirror I’d like, I bought the cheapest one in a department store.

As a stop-gap it would do.

I am now delighted to announce I am half my width and twice as tall…as long as I stick to just this ONE mirror.

I’m now giving myself leave to indulge myself in some French pastries, being much too thin for my height.

What do you think? Could this be the panacea for those who need a boost?



Maria Rattray
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: