The Sunset

As the sun sets, I pay all my gratitude and regards to the universe for helping me run the day

Writer's Dream
The Daily Cuppa Grande
2 min readSep 30, 2023


Today, I watched the sunset
Within minutes, the sky changed its color
The natural light dimmed
And the darkness set in.

With the setting sun
I wished all my worries and sadness to set
Let the retiring sun take all the melancholy from our lives and bury them in the dark cosmos.
The day that went by
There were moments of desperation, frustration, helplessness, deception, directionlessness.
The beauty of life is it moves on
Similarly, the day ends with all its craziness
Let the setting sun take all the monsters from our lives and send them to eternal sleep.
So that when we wake up tomorrow, we see the fresh sunlight
Shining through the green leaves of the new day
Giving us hope and optimism
Against all odds.

As the sun sets, I pay all my gratitude and regards to the universe
For helping me run the day with all the twists and turns
and for giving me the vigor and courage to face all the problems of the day and life.

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